Rethink (your) kink at Kappe Nou

What you think of kink might be heavily influenced by age-old clichés – like the dominatrix beating up a businessman – or (sometimes problematic) straight movies like 50 Shades of Grey and 365 Days. Kappe Nou (‘Stop it now’) on June 12 in Radion Amsterdam is a pop-up exhibition that rethinks kink. Queer artists show you how beautiful, exciting and fun BDSM can be. Join them on an artistic adventure that will open up your mind.  

Kappe Nou features queer artists – real people – that express what kink and BDSM mean to them through paint, clay, words, performances and digital art. Discover how they experience their sexuality, sex and gender, without having to deal with clichés, taboos or stigmas.  

Performance artists will arouse, astonish, surprise and shock you, while wordsmiths will trigger your (sexual) fantasies with their stories and poetry. Want to talk about your own BDSM journey? Then let your voice be heard during a popular kink podcast that is being recorded at the event. The exhibition allows you to be alone with your thoughts in a special relaxation room and/or share them with other visitors in the Radion café.  

And important to note: that participating artists won’t have to pay a fee to exhibit their work; visitors will be able to purchase the artworks, and all of the profits will go directly to the artists themselves. Dress the way you want to dress, be who you are, feel what you feel at Kappe Nou! Transform your Sunday into a Sinday and visit the event on June 12 in Radion Amsterdam. Get your tickets here now: 

WINGS Online will be attending the exhibition as well, so make sure to check out our review in the very near future. Spank you for your attention!