NEW AND IMPROVED: OUR RENOVATED BERLIN FLAGSHIP STORE IS READY FOR YOU! Omar Alejandro Vazquez·March 20, 2023Our Berlin flagship store is fully renovated and has opened its doors again for you to be kinkier...Inside Mister BIssue 14News
MAGNUS FULLER, GAY FOR PAY Marco Hohl·January 20, 2023“Am I a sex worker?” I’ve asked myself this question ever since I started reviewing sex toys for...News
MISTER JOCK PRESENTS: BITCH PLEASE! WINGS Magazine·December 19, 2022HEY SEXY, MISTER JOCK PRESENTS: BITCH PLEASE! After the success of the Mister Jock Launch party this past summer...EventsNews
THE GAY OF STRAIGHT STREET Omar Alejandro Vazquez·November 30, 2022Mexico City is where I grew up and lived for twenty-nine years. It’s a city that, over the...News
Mister B SERVE make a statement Tony de Wilde·November 14, 2022 Serving face, serving body, serving looks. Give the people what they want with the Mister B SERVE...Mister B presentsNews
HELLHOUND, Fantasy Toys From Hell WINGS Magazine·November 7, 2022Bursting through the gates of hell, from the wicked kingdoms of Mister B, comes the ruler of the...Mister B presentsNews
A note from Tio Lelieveld, on his year as Mister Leather Netherlands 2023 Frank Colosimo·September 19, 2022It was already eleven months ago that I won the title of Mister Leather Netherlands in Eagle Amsterdam...EventsNews
The Mister B Stage at Folsom 2022 Live feed WINGS Magazine·September 11, 2022The Folsom Street Fair, 2022 was a blast. What an amazing vibe and crowd. Everybody looked amazing in...News
In conversation with: Mr. Rubber Netherlands ‘22 Clark Cullen·August 3, 2022Whilst he’s already busy keeping his promises and looking fine as hell doing it, WINGS got the chance...News
Hey Sexy, the Mister Jock Launch Party was a Vibe WINGS Magazine·July 20, 2022Hey Sexy, the Mister Jock Launch Party was a Vibe! Last weekend on Sunday 17th we had our...NewsParty Report