Upcoming: Stosszeit! Clark Cullen·June 28, 2022Cologne Pride has officially started, and as the big weekend gets closer and closer, WINGS caught up with...EventsNews
Second Dutch Rubbermen weekend in Amsterdam during Ascension Day weekend WINGS Magazine·May 11, 2022As the world is opening again, the excitement is in the air for the second edition of the...News
Visit Mister B booth at Darklands Bojan Gazibara·May 3, 2022Welcome to the world of Mister B Your fetish Specialist! Darklands is finally back, and so is Mister...News
Shigella outbreak in European metropolitan areas: what you need to know! Marco Hohl·April 29, 2022At the moment there is an outbreak of bacterial infection shigella amongst bisexual and gay men in metropolitan...HealthNews
Party report from Playgrounds in Amsterdam Bojan Gazibara·April 19, 2022Playgrounds, finally in Amsterdam. Last Saturday we had so much fun in club Church! Playgrounds is open for...News
Party report from Playgrounds in Antwerp Bojan Gazibara·April 7, 2022We opened the party season with Playgrounds in the Boots in Antwerp. We never have a strict dress...News
MEET MISTER JOCK WINGS Magazine·April 5, 2022Mister B would like to introduce you to our cute and queer little sibling, Mister Jock! MisterJock.com is...Mister B presentsNews
The first Playgrounds of the season this Saturday Bojan Gazibara·March 28, 2022We waited for too long, but the parties are finally back! We’re opening our Playgrounds season this Saturday,...News
Discover Mister Leather Italia 2022, April 1 to 3, 2022 Frank Colosimo·March 23, 2022Come celebrate the leather community in a city where they have been wearing leather for over 2000 years....News
Dutch Premiere of fetish porn doc “Raw! Uncut! Video!” at Roze Filmdagen Marco Hohl·March 11, 2022WINGS Watches: Raw! Uncut! Video! We kinksters are a creative bunch, or as a leather man in the...NewsWINGS Watches..