Safer Alternatives to dating

    • There are loads of sexual activities that are risk-free and very fun! Using Facetime, video chat, or phone sex to have a hot encounter with a partner or a stranger from afar can be a very sexually rewarding experience.
    • Using app-controlled smart toys can be a fun way to manipulate physical excitement with each other’s bodies without being near each other physically.
    • Playing with dildos and other toys while masturbating can be a very fun, sexual activity that is completely Covid safe.


Contact tracing

    • It is best to keep track of those with whom we get in close contact these days, especially with dates or hook-ups.
    • Keeping names, phone numbers, and the date of contact is helpful so that if infected by Covid, partners can be informed.
    • If you or someone you’ve played with develop Covid symptoms or test positive for Covid, please inform your partners, get tested when possible, and self-quarantine for the recommended time.


Partner agreements

    • Having one regular, trusted corona-buddy to see when you want is a great way to avoid hooking-up with multiple partners. This way you can minimize the number of people you get in contact with and still have a sex life and get that body contact we crave.
    • Otherwise, negotiating boundaries with partners helps manage safety. This can be simply asking partners if they have any Covid symptoms, or about any recent hook-ups, they may have had. Talking to your partner or fuck-buddy about Covid means responsibilities can be shared.
    • If you or someone you’ve played with develop Covid symptoms or test positive for Covid, please inform your partners, get tested when possible, and self-quarantine for the recommended time.
    • Wash your hands or use disinfectant and wear a mask as much as possible when dating.


As things get back to ‘normal’

      • Once we can go back to the bars, clubs and other social spaces, even though there will likely be more safety precautions put in place, there is always more we can do to help minimize the risk of contracting and spreading Covid.
      • Wearing a mask is typically recommended for crowded or indoor spaces like bars and clubs.
      • Washing our hands frequently is a recommendation that has been consistent from the beginning. Use disinfectant when hand washing is not an option.
      • Remembering to keep 1.5m away from each other, especially in closed or indoor spaces.
      • Avoid crowded and indoor spaces altogether when you or someone you’ve played with develop Covid symptoms or test positive for Covid.  In that case, please inform your partners, get tested when possible, and self-quarantine for the recommended time.