“I was filled with pride, and felt my ancestors were there with me” Marco Hohl·September 20, 2023Cover interview with drag icon Inti Early this summer, Mister B did a photo shoot with former Drag...Artist featureIssue 15
OH LEO…The Sorrows of a Young Pig-Bottom Leokin·September 13, 2023The other day, when I was chained in full rubber and hooked to a fuck machine, I got...Issue 15Oh Leo
SERVING IT! Marco Hohl·September 11, 2023“You need a look!” That is the first thing my lover told me when he heard I was...Hohl in One
RECON X MISTER B Main Stage at FOLSOM Europe 2023 WINGS Magazine·September 9, 202312.00 – 14:30 DJ ManInUniform 13.30 – 14.00 Openings speech and welcome to Folsom Europe’s 20-year anniversary!...NewsWINGS TALKS
MESSY ISSUES: ACCIDENTAL ABSTINENCE Clark Cullen·September 8, 2023I’ve wanted to write about this for quite some time, but as you’ll understand as you read, there...Messy Issues
WORK IN PROGRESS: WHAT’S YOUR FETISH? Guy The Leather Coach·September 6, 2023I’ve had a complicated relationship with the word ‘Fetish’. I don’t know what it is, but for some...Work in Progress
Mister B, B PROUD Fetish Social 2023 in pictures WINGS Magazine·August 21, 2023On August 3rd Mister B hosted a beautiful little get together at The Hoxton Hotel in Amsterdam to kick...Galleries
WINGS Pick of the Week: Bag her? I hardly know her! WINGS Magazine·August 18, 2023If you love sex toys you should seriously consider bagging them. Dildos and many other toys are made...Pick of the WeekWings Online
Wings Talks x Queer Amsterdam 2023 WINGS Magazine·August 1, 2023Last week, the city of Amsterdam celebrated queerness all over town, during the very first edition of Queer Amsterdam....WINGS TALKS
In The Mix: Featuring Simone Bellintani Karl Bowe·July 17, 2023For this issue’s In the Mix, WINGS sat down with international HOT PUP DJ Producer Simone Bellintani (he/him)....In The MixIssue 14