Lucky Thirteen!!

Without even blinking an eye, we have arrived at issue 13 of WINGS Magazine. A lot has happened over the last few months. The world is opening up little by little and events are happening again, and this is great. However, with the good usually comes the bad. Around the world, the rights of women, LGBTQIA+ people, and many others are being targeted and denied. The news continues to be notoriously horrible. One step forward, two steps back, as they say.

The good news is that, even though all this garbage is happening, we are also seeing a new generation standing up against these explicit acts of oppression. With our platform, we try to do our part by highlighting queer excellence with uplifting stories of talented and beautiful kinksters, and informing our readers about what is going on in our global community. We also hope that by entertaining you all, we at least offer a bit of a distraction from the atrocities in the world today. And most importantly, we’re talking about our favourite thing: sex. Now that is a good distraction.

First, there was the print magazine, then we launched our online platform, and now we figured: why not bring the conversation to life? As you’ve likely noticed by now, we’ve started WINGS Talks, an opportunity for community members to discuss the important topics that affect us all. It all started last year at the main stage of Folsom Europe, where we discussed multiple topics in the form of panel discussions and interviews. We continued in the digital format, having more frank discussions with folks from both inside and outside of Europe. This year, we will continue the tradition at Folsom Europe with more discussions and even some live demonstrations, and we hope to continue to have these conversations as time goes on.

But let’s get back to the issue at hand, or should I say in hand, the 13th issue. We are delighted to share terrific interviews with amazing people from all over the globe, about important topics like ageism in the scene, bottom shaming, the history of BDSM, and pinkwashing, to name a few. We discuss fun topics like throuples, tattoos, pumping, OnlyFans, and more… And of course, we know you’re going to love the sexy photos, as we assume you always do. Our team of thirteen kinksters has been working very hard to make sure you get the best of the best in this issue. So sit back, relax, and take flight with our 13th issue of WINGS Magazine.


Tony de Wilde
Mister B WINGS Magazine

P.S. Is there anything or anyone you would like to see featured in our magazine? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always looking for new content, new writers, and features. 

Get your copy of WINGS issue #13 now at your local Mister B store.